This allows a user to create their own ring group under their extension number. They can program a series of Identities including any device with an external phone number to ring in a sequence that they decide.
- Go to the user’s tab, select the Follow Mes toggle and click the downward arrow just beside it to show Follow Me settings.
- Click on the Add Follow Me option to include an Identity in your Follow Me. This will either be a device that is registered on the phone system using an Identity (enter Identity name in the Select Identity field) or it will be an external phone number.
- The drop-down list will show you a selection of Identities that can be registered on the system, select the one/ones relevant to you.
- You can then input how long you would like before it rings this Identity if you are using the Hunt Memory ring strategy (this is explained in more detail on the Create Ring Groups page. Set zero seconds if you would like it to ring immediately. If you are not using Hunt Memory, then this setting is not relevant right now.
- To add an external device, toggle the External option.
- You can add as many Identities/Devices as you like. They will ring based on your Ring Strategy and the sequence that you set.
- The ring sequence can be seen in the panels. If you are using the Hunt strategy then only the # numbers are relevant to you now. If you are using Hunt Memory, then only the seconds delays are relevant. If you are using Ring All then the sequence and delays are ignored and all devices will together.
- In this example the first device rings immediately, the mobile kicks in 15 seconds after the first starts ringing when Hunt Memory is set. If that is changed to Hunt, then the #1 device will ring first for the total ring time, if not answered in that time it will stop ringing and the #2 device will ring for the same duration.
- The confirmation button prompts you when receiving a call to hit number 1 button on your device to accept the call, or 2 to decline. The call will not progress unless 1 is pressed. This is a way of stopping mobile voicemails from interfering with the ring strategy. In other words it will ignore a voicemail on a mobile if this toggle is activated.
- Before saving, confirm all Follow Me settings are correct.