Username - Auto-generated sip username
Domain - SIP Domain used for registration and calls
Display Name - A friendly label given to identify the trunk on creation
Show - Additional settings of the Trunk. See Show View
Delete - Delete the particular Trunk if the user role allows
Show View
Account Ref - Reference to identify the trunk for billing purposes
Remaining Bundle Mins - Bundle Type and minutes remaining this month
Bundle Expiry - The date and time the current Bundle will expire and renew (end/start of the month)
PAYG Balance/Threshold - Remaining PAYG balance credit and threshold which when reached will trigger a balance alert email
Inbound Channels - Number of concurrent inbound calls allowed
Outbound Channels - Number of concurrent outbound calls allowed
Total Channels - Number of concurrent calls allowed on the trunk (this overrides both inbound and outbound channel limits). Selected amount dictates cost
Country - Territory the Trunk is based within. This also affects the expected format of dialed phone numbers
Organisation - Entity that owns/manages the Trunk. Costs are associated with this entity and user accounts associated have the ability to view and makes changes to settings.
Whitelisted IP - Allowed external IP of the network the Trunk is allowed to Register and make calls from.