Trunk Settings
This page lists all Trunks that the logged in user has access to. From here you can create new Trunks, show further details or edit parameters of existing Trunks.
List View
Username - Auto-generated sip username
Domain - SIP Domain used for registration and calls
Display Name - A friendly label given to identify the trunk on creation
Show - Additional settings of the Trunk. See Show View
Delete - Delete the particular Trunk if the user role allows
Show View
Account Ref - Reference to identify the trunk for billing purposes
Remaining Bundle Mins - Bundle Type and minutes remaining this month
Bundle Expiry - The date and time the current Bundle will expire and renew (end/start of the month)
PAYG Balance/Threshold - Remaining PAYG balance credit and threshold which when reached will trigger a balance alert email
Inbound Channels - Number of concurrent inbound calls allowed
Outbound Channels - Number of concurrent outbound calls allowed
Total Channels - Number of concurrent calls allowed on the trunk (this overrides both inbound and outbound channel limits). Selected amount dictates cost
Country - Territory the Trunk is based within. This also affects the expected format of dialed phone numbers
Organisation - Entity that owns/manages the Trunk. Costs are associated with this entity and user accounts associated have the ability to view and makes changes to settings.
Whitelisted IP - Allowed external IP of the network the Trunk is allowed to Register and make calls from.
Username - Relates to the auto-generated sip username as mentioned above. This filter will find any record containing the search parameter (does not need to be a full/exact match)
Display Name - A friendly label given to identify the trunk as mentioned above. This filter will find any record containing the search parameter (does not need to be a full/exact match)
List View
New Trunk
Create a new Trunk. Most fields have default values which can be changed.
Display Name and Whitelisted IP parameters are required to be able to save the form.
Outbound calls will fail without an active and verified Outbound CID
Show View
Regenerate Password
Auto-generate a new SIP password for the trunk. This is encrypted when stored and cannot accessed again once saved. A new password must be generated if the old password is no longer known
Disable or enable (dependant on current state) this trunks ability to register and make/receive calls
Edit Trunk
Change parameters associated with this trunk. (Username cannot be changed)
Set PAYG Balance
Set credit that is able to be used for calls outside of the selected Bundle (used for fraud prevention purposes)
Set credit threshold that will trigger a balance alert email (email will be set to the address associated with the owning organisation)