SIP Trunk Configuration Info

SIP Trunk Configuration Info

In this section we will cover the most common settings to setup your equipment using Byphone SIP credentials.

The details you will require which are specific to the device you are trying to configure are:

  1. Username (Also used as Authentication Username)
    • Usually a 4 digit number e.g. 1000
  2. Password
    • This is an auto-generated password usually 16+ characters long
    • This is case sensitive

Other details are generic across devices and may have slight variations in naming conventions.

  • Registrar: hpbx445cl526.sip.byphone.co.uk
  • Outbound Proxy: hpbx445cl526.sip.byphone.co.uk
  • STUN and ICE are generally not required though are dependant on your network
  • NAT should be disabled, again dependant on your network
  • SIP port 5060 (UDP, TCP) or 5061 (TLS)
  • Media Port Range 10000-20000 (UDP)

Must provide the external IP, for whitelisting, that the device will be registering from.

Other configuration options are hardware specific or a matter of user preference.

Presented digits on inbound calls can be specified at setup i.e. last 6 digits of dialled number, full e.164 format

Default outbound callerid or emergency outbound callerid is also to be specified at setup.

Dynamic outbound callerid requires that a list of desired numbers, to be presented on outbound calls, be supplied at setup also. In turn these numbers can be presented by the device, checked by the server and presented if allowed. If not in the list of allowable numbers, the default outbound callerid is used instead.

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