Call History

Call History

The Call History tab allows administrators and permitted users have access to information about external calls made and received on the system. It shows only Inbound and Outbound external calls, it does not currently show internal calls. Through a series of filters, records can be narrowed down to show a desired subsection of all calls.


Date Range - This is a fairly common filter and allows a user set a start and end date, so that calls between these dates are shown.

Start Time - Calls after this time on the start date chosen will be shown, midnight (00:00) is the default.

End Time - Calls before this time on the end date chosen will be shown. It should be noted that midnight (00:00) is considered the start of the day, so on occasions where you would like to see calls for the entire day on the end date chosen, this should be altered to show 23:45 on the end date, or left as midnight and the end date changed to the day after your desired end date (i.e. to show calls up until the start of the next day in other words).

Direction - This dropdown allows the user to see Both Inbound and Outbound calls, or to see only one or the other.

Users - This option allows a user to specify the calls that a particular user or multiple users have made or received. Inbound calls that were unanswered, or went to a Group Voicemail for example, are not related to any user, hence the sub-option to include calls without a user will show all other calls.

Result - This option allows the user to choose the number of records shown per page of the search. 50 records is default, with options for 100 and 200 records per page also.

Call Type - There are 5 options within this dropdown, the default of which is to show All call types. Other options are: Local (UK calls to landline numbers beginning 01, 02 or 03), Mobile (UK mobile numbers beginning 071 to 079), UK Other (these are calls within the UK that are neither mobile nor landline numbers such a premium numbers, business rate numbers, emergency services or operator services etc.), and International (these are currently classed as any number outside the UK).

Numbers - This option is dependent on the context of a call. For example on an Inbound call, it could be the caller-id of the person who called, or the ring group number that that Inbound call was routed to. While on an Outbound call it could be the telephone number that a user dialled, or the extension number of the user that made the call. Where multiple options are added, the calls matching all of those will be shown. It should be noted that Inbound calls will begin with a + i.e. +44XXXXXXXXXX while, outbound calls should begin with 00 i.e. 0044XXXXXXXXXX with special numbers such as emergency services etc. being the exception,

Is Answered - This allows the user decide to see both Answered or Unanswered calls, or when Don't Care is chosen the user will see both.



Here we'll cover what information you will actually see for each call record on the Byphone portal. You will also have the ability to export the current search as a CSV file which will show a few extra fields and can be further manipulated as desired.

Date - This will show the timestamp of the start of the call combining both the date and time.

Ring Time - This is the amount of time the call spent ringing before being answered. In the case of a call that may have been transferred, it could be been answered more than once, in which case the time you see here will be the duration between the start of ringing until the first answer.

Handling Time - This value may mean different things dependant on the events within a call. On a transferred call this includes the talk time of all answered users except for the last one. On a call that has routed through an Announcement or IVR, as soon as the audio of each one starts playing, the call is technically answered by the system and classed as handling time if a user answers the call, and classed as unanswered if a user does not answer the call and it is later hung up. This handling time is from the start of the first audio file until the last user answers the call. 

Talk Time - Duration the last user spent on a call

Direction - Shows whether the call was an Inbound or Outbound call.

From - Extension number of the user that made an outbound call, or caller id of the person who made an inbound call into the Byphone system.

To - Destination of the call, can be ring group number, extension number, or dialled phone number.

Call Recording - This field is only shown when a particular call was recorded. The recording can be played and listened to in the browser, or downloaded onto your computer. Call Recording can be purchased via the Dashboard of your Byphone system.

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