Start time - Date/time the call began - Sortable
End time - Date/time the call finished - Sortable
Direction - Denotes whether the all was inbound or outbound
Caller - Source that initiated the call - Sortable
Callee - Destination the call is made to - Sortable
Duration - Time between the call start and end times - Sortable
Soure IP - IP address the call was initiated from - Sortable
CallID - Reference generated by the caller
Status Code - SIP code indicating the outcome of the call
Caller - This filter will find any record containing the search parameter (does not need to be a full/exact match)
Callee - This filter will find any record containing the search parameter (does not need to be a full/exact match)
Direction - Dropdown of values (Any, Inbound, Outbound)
Status - This filter will find any record containing the search parameter (does not need to be a full/exact match). SIP response codes link