Snom Dect Provision

Snom Dect Provision

Firstly ensure that the base station is currently in it's default state. If the device is brand new, then this should already be the case, if not then you may need to go through resetting the device back to factory default first before proceeding. See here Reset a Snom.

There are a few things you will need here as you go along.

  1. The IP address of your device on your local network (your machine must be on the same network to gain access).
  2. The MAC address of the device (can be found on a label at the back of the base station)
  3. A Byphone user's Identity to provision the device with.

IP and MAC Address

Below are two possible ways to obtain the IP address.

Network Scan

If you already know the MAC address of the device, you could run a network scan on your local range, this will tell you all IP addresses in use on your network and the MAC address associated with them. If you can find the relevant MAC address within the scan, you will have been able to retrieve the IP address also and can use that in your browser to access the GUIof the device. A useful windows tool for this is Advanced IP Scanner.

Via the PUI

If your Dect handset is already registered to the base station you can access the base station information using the menu on the Dect handset.

  1. Press the button in the centre of the navigational pad on the Dect handset.
  2. Navigate to the Settings section and press the centre button (or the green button)
  3. Navigate down to the Status option and again press the centre button (or the green button)
  4. If the handset is registered to the base station, your should see it's IP address within the information on that status screen
  5. You should also see the MAC, and firmware versions etc. as well.

Accessing the Web User Interface

Once you have the IP Address of the base station you can access the WUI via your browser (while on the same local network). Navigate to the IP address in your address bar. If your base station is not in it's default state, you will be met with a screen asking for a username and password, (default username:admin and password:admin). If this is not the case please follow the instructions on the Reset a Snom page.

You should now see a page similar to the image below.


Here you should see all of the information about your base station, including it's Model/Phone Type, MAC Address and the IP Address you have just used to get here. You will also see a sub-section “SIP Identity Status on this Base Station”, this will be useful once you have provisioned your Dect handset to confirm that it is registered to the server.

On the Configuration tab, then Provisioning page (warning) Upload the following file to the device next to Import from File: Mxxx Bypass Cert Trust

  1. Now go to the Management page.
  2. On this page you will need to set the Configuration server address for the Byphone system https://granite.byphone.co.uk/v1/provisioning/
  3. Next you must associate your base station with the Byphone system. Login to your Byphone phone system if not already.
  4. Click on the Users option in the navbar on the left of the screen. 
  5. Select the user the Dect handset will be associated with, then click on Add Device. (You will require an Identity for this User, if not already created please see Identities section on how to create a new Identity). 
  6. You should now be met with this device's settings page. Here you can alter the label that this device is known as within the system, ensure that it is unique. You can see the Device Settings or delete the device if no longer required. We will concentrate on the device provisioning for now. 
  7. Enter in the MAC address of the device you are configuring (just the alphanumeric characters, no colons or dashes etc.), and the external IP address that the handset will be accessing from. (This ensures maximum security during provisioning. Incorrect details could result in a breach)
  8. Search for an existing Identity in the Search Identities field and select the relevant one from the drop-down (You can add multiple Identities to a single base station, see Supported Hardware for restrictions).
  9. Select the device model from the drop-down under Device Settings (Snom M700).
  10. Ensure that on your Snom base station, you have the provisioning URL entered into the Configuration Server Address field, you will also see it again on screen. URL: https://granite.byphone.co.uk/v1/provisioning/ as noted in step 2. Click on the Save button to save those settings on the base station.
  11. Clicking the “Save & Activate Auto-Provisioning” button on the Device Settings screen in the Byphone Portal allows 10 minutes in which this device can be auto-provisioned by the Byphone system. After 10 minutes, the provisioning server will be closed to this device (until the “Save & Activate Auto-Provisioning” button is pressed again).
  12. Back on the base station Management page, now Click on the Save and Reboot button. 

The device will then reboot, forcing it to pull down your settings from the provisioning server. This should take a few minutes and will update your base station to the recommended firmware version as well (depending on current firmware version).

Once booting has finished, you can register your Dect handset to your base station by logging into the base station again with it's IP in your browser (you may be required to enter the new Admin username and password to access your handset settings admin and the devices MAC address in upper case), access the Extensions section, and you should see a list of configured identities with some generic IPEI (Dect handset Identifier) details.

Click the Check all option, and then click Register Handsets.

On the Dect handset, press the centre button to access the menu, Navigate to Connectivity and again press the centre button (or the green button), with Register highlighted again press the centre button (or the green button), enter the access code 0000 and press OK. The handset will attempt to register to the base station and associate an identity with that Dect handset. You should then see confirmation of this on the Dect handset screen.

You can now make and receive calls using your new Snom Dect.

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