Outbound CID
Number - Phone number in full e.164 for outbound call presentation usage
Emergency CID - Flag to denote a number as the emergency outbound callerid for the related Trunk/Subscriber
Active - Flag to denote whether the outbound callerid is currently active and therefore usable
Verified - Flag to denote whether the number has been verified as owned and in turn valid for outbound presentation.
Subscriber - The Trunk that is capable of presenting this outbound callerid
Created At - Date and time that the outbound callerid record was created within the Bytrunk system
OutboundCID - Relates to the Number field described above. This filter will find any record containing the search parameter (does not need to be a full/exact match)
Subscriber - Dropdown of the Trunk usernames that the logged in user has permission to view
List View
New Allowed outbound cid
Create a new OutboundCID. This must be verified before it will function. Request verification here
Active and Verified fields will default to false
Each Trunk can only have a single Emergency CID
The number must be in full e.164 format
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Amend the Trunk the outbound callerid is associated with and whether is used as Emergency CID or not
Sets the active field mentioend above to true or false depending on current status