Audit Log
List View
Inserted At - Date/time the action occurred
Action - Indicates what was done to the record
Actor type - Whether the action was carried out by the system or a user
Actor - The user who completed the action
Actor Organisation - Organisation id of the user who completed the action
Description - A friendly label for what was done to the record
Resource type - Type of record that was acted upon (generally equates to one of the pages in the web application)
Resource - ID of the record that was acted upon
Resource Organisation - Owning organisation id of the record that was acted upon
Show View
Key - Name of the parameter associated with the record acted upon
Old Values - List of the values before the record was acted upon
New Values - List of the values after the record was acted upon
Action - Dropdown of the available actions
Actor organisation - Dropdown of the organisations that the logged in user has access to
Resource type - Dropdown of the possible resource options
Resource organisation - Dropdown of the organisations that the logged in user has access to