Trunk Registration
Once you have finished the initial steps for creating your system proceed to your 3CX dashboard - https://EXAMPLE.3cx.uk/
Once in click on Voice & Chat then + Add Trunk
Select your Country, then choose Generic VoIP Provider (Registration)
Set your Name to identity the Trunk, and set your default route if you have already created one (By default this will route to the first user on your system)
Account Details
Go to https://bytrunk.byphone.co.uk/subscriber, and search for the Trunk you are going to register to 3CX
Click Show to view trunk settings, follow our trunk settings guide for generating your trunk password -Trunk Settings | Show View.1
When the details are filled out, the setting should look like the below
Main Trunk Number and Authentication IP will be the username from Bytrunk Settings
Registration/Server and Outbound Proxy will be set to trunking.byphone.co.uk
Note Port 5060 is used for UDP/TCP
TLS Transport Protocol does not currently allow registration
Next Click on Options
You can limit this trunk to department or leave as system wide
If the trunk is for Outbound calls only, uncheck Allow inbound Calls
Set Transport to your preferred protocol
Confirm your Caller ID Control Settings are set to the below
Then Click Save
You should now be directed to Add Outbound Rule
Outbound Rules
Set your department by Clicking + Add
then Select your departments to use this outbound rule
For Route on Select your new Trunk if not already auto selected, and set Strip Digits to ‘Strip no digits’
Inbound Routing
Go to Voice & Chat within Admin and select your trunk
Go to DID Numbers
Click Add then type your number into the new field
CLI Passthrough
At the moment CLI passthrough on 3CX is not available