Outbound Number Presentation

Outbound Number Presentation

Outbound CallerID

This is the number your device presents when you make a call. Most commonly as the number that pops up when you see an inbound call on your mobile.

The system allows you to present any number that you own or withhold your number. You can prove ownership in two ways.

  1. The number is a hosted DDI on your Byphone system, meaning you can receive calls on it when routed via the Call Flow section
  2. The number is not a hosted DDI on your Byphone system, but you own it anyway and can prove as such as below.

The first is easy, from the Users section, you simply select the relevant User, click the downward arrow icon beside Outbound Caller ID, click the Change Caller ID button, choose your DDI from the drop-down or choose Anonymous where the number should be withheld and click Send.

If a CallerID is not chosen for a user, the DDI marked as "Main" will be presented on their outbound calls. This number is also presented on calls to Emergency Services where either a number has not been chosen to present, or Anonymous has been chosen.

The second method requires a little more, but is just as easy. All you have to do is input the number in the same section under the Telephone Number field (must be in international format beginning with + or 00) and click Send. The system will ring the number that you input, and ask you to enter a one time password as shown on the screen. If you enter that password correctly, you will be able to present that number on outbound calls from any registered device. See Identities for more information on types of devices.


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